
月曜日から感謝と賛美とリバイバルキャンプ! The camp for Praise and Thanks and Revival

From March 25(Mon) through March 30(Sat), The camp for Praise , Thanks and Revival is going to be held in California U.S.

Pastor Merlin Carothers, famous evangelist and preacher will give us special seminar on March 27 (Wed) again this year.

Pastor Okawa, the pastor of one of the biggest protestant church in Japan is also joining us. Famous musician Bro. Steave gave us his promise to join us.

チャーチオンザウェイ での祈りこみ、ボニーブレアハウスでの祈りこみ。ハリウッドでの路上賛美、等々、内容、祝福盛りだくさんの派遣です。
We have many wonderful schedules during this mission tour including prayer meeting at Church-on-the-way, visiting Bonie Blare House and paising on the street of Holywood.

From Machida Church, three persons are joining the tour, and we will try our best to renew this BLog as frequently as possible at any WiFi points available. Please pray for us!